Before I cared enough to pay attention, I often wondered why such a strong political divide existed in the country. Americans, for the most part, can conduct affairs in a sane, intelligent manner while making compromises to suit the common good, right? ...Right? This, of course, depends on whose definition of "good" you may be paying attention to on the TV/internet. Turns out politicians don't consider the country's diversity of values and beliefs in making their legislative decisions. Sadly, these egregious moves pandering towards a single sect of Americans are becoming all the more common. They also happen to be coming from a single political party. I don't like to name names but... well, take a look at this.
Conservatives vow to make gay marriage a 2012 issue
I argue that an atheist's view of homosexuality is based upon reality. Evidence of it is found readily in nature, crossing species and continents without bias. It's also a trait found documented in humanity for thousands of years. Also worth considering is the fact that humanity isn't classifiable as only male and female. Sexual characteristics are hardly black-and-white, but instead a healthy shade of gray. Is it any wonder that humans are capable of sexuality outside male/female relations? The only opposition to such facts of life can be traced to musings on whichever bible happens to be given the weight of divinity. For argumentative purposes, a christian perspective can be found here. If every passage of the bible can be applied as such, we could also argue that slavery is permissible, adulterers should be murdered, and cannibalism leads to salvation. Ridiculous? Yes. In conflict with how much of Christianity's followers interpret the bible? Of course. Why then does such a large portion of our society take such a narrow minded view of homosexuality? Social conservatism has demonized and politicized it. We are asked to ignore the very foundation of the American constitution which states that all men and women are guaranteed equal freedoms and protections under law. If a man or woman cannot marry another consenting adult with the same legal protections, inequality is written for all nations to behold. Of course, it'd be much simpler if marriage were the only issue encroached upon by religious bias.
Tennessee introduces "Don't Say Gay" bill
State senator Stacey Campfield and representative Bill Dunn want to make it illegal for homosexuality to be discussed in public schools. Let that sink in for a minute. Got it? Elected representatives who undoubtedly convinced the people of Tennessee that if elected, they would work for the community to fix the economy and reduce deficits, are now telling their constituency that it should be illegal to educate, discuss, or council students on homosexuality. By ignoring what they consider personally immoral, do they hope the "problem" will just go away? Does anyone see how making a supportive environment for possibly conflicted or harassed teenagers should be subject to penalty? If you do, I'd suggest reexamining what Jesus meant when he said "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. (Matthew 7.12 ESV) How would these government elects feel if their children were not allowed to discuss religious persecution because broaching the subject was deemed immoral?
Unjust treatment of homosexuals may not catch your attention. I'd urge you to take note as legislators' treatment of homosexuality proves telling of how they'd treat any view differing from their own. Still, even more examples are popping up showing how social conservatism attempts to strip away society's ability to reason.
Let's consider abortion, another tricky subject wrought with emotion... but little rationality. For a representative perspective, I submit Juno Walker's explanation of an atheist's view on abortion. For fetal abortion to be qualified as murder, one must believe that a fetus has a sense of self from the moment of conception. Often, this is represented as the "soul". For the rest of us skeptical of the soul hypothesis, the brain is arguably the seat of Self. By this definition, a fetus up to a demarcation line asserted by brain development is simply a "potential human". A handful of cells yet to take anything close to the semblance of personhood. As Juno Walker states, pro-choice advocates are not saying abortion should be doled out like aspirin. Just as with any surgical procedure, there are risks and complications and the matter shouldn't be taken lightly by doctor or patient. Still, by understanding an atheist's, biologist's, materialist's etc. viewpoint, doesn't legally protected choice sound reasonable? Advocate against abortion as much as you like, and when the situation arises, choose not to get an abortion. This gives no one the right to make sweeping legislation removing a woman's freedom to make reproductive decisions. And yet...
State legislators push to change justifiable homicide language to include fetuses
Three states have submitted bills that could feasibly be used to defend violent crimes against mothers and abortion providers. Their authors have stated this was not the intention, but it doesn't take a law degree to see how such changes empower those who consider fetuses to be fully formed humans with all the rights and privileges herein. If that seems like too much of a stretch, take a look at this.
Rep Bobby Franklin: Miscarriages are prenatal murder
You read that right. Georgia representative Bobby Franklin wants a bill stating that all miscarriages are murder. Does this elected official realize that "studies reveal that anywhere from 10-25% of all clinically recognized pregnancies will end in miscarriage?" This displays an abominable ignorance of a reproductive issue that nearly 1 in 4 women will face in their lifetime, not including their partners. Franklin wants all of these women criminally investigated to make sure "legal human prenatal murder" is witnessed and punished. This is coming from an official with the authority to make sweeping changes to the way thousands of individuals live their life. Are you disgusted yet? If not, you have no reason to complain when you or your partner goes to jail for losing a fetus to natural causes, if only for failing to choose a lawyer versed in Biology 101.
Florida mayoral candidate jokes about bombing abortion clinic
"Pro-life" takes on new meaning when politicians joke in a church about bombing centers that provide often necessary medical procedures to women, doesn't it? In his defense, Mike Hogan does state that he was joking with a congregation that is "110% pro-life". Does that mean they more readily sympathize with violent rhetoric that ought to make any sane politician wonder what the hell he was thinking?
While the skeptics and the faithful may not be able to see eye to eye on many matters of life, we ought to agree as Americans that using law to push personal beliefs is unjust and immoral. Share this with your friends and family, and tell your representatives that you want your freedoms protected against biases that have no place in government. After all, does criminalizing women and homosexuals help turn the economy around?
Not unless you're passing around a collection plate.
Thank you to @pzmyers,@kzelnio, @MotherJones,
and @kdrum for the links, research, and opinion!
Correction: PZ Myers' blog Pharyngula held guest blogger Juno Walker for "An Atheist's View On Abortion".
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